What is Bank Account?
Bank Account defines the company bank account used for autopay of the staff payroll. You can have more than 1 bank account in the system. Please go to Master Data-> Bank Account to add the bank account.
What can be defined in Bank Account?
Bank: define the bank code of the account
Currency: define the currency of the account
Bank Account Name: the name of the bank account(normally should be the company name)
Bank Account Number: the bank account number without bank code
Autopay Template Name: define the Autopay Template file
Reference Number 1/2/3/4/5/6: the Payment code or any other information required by the bank
Remark: any notes for your reference, e.g company shortcode to identify different bank accounts or special remark for generating file with a new file reference number every time.
To setup the bank account, details you can take a look at the following page:
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