Why Import Payroll Amount to the Payroll Batch?
You may need to keep the staff previous payroll records, and some of the pay types like Double Pay, Commission, etc you may need to input the amount manually as these pay types cannot be calculated by fixed formula. Bulk import of these pay amounts to payroll batch can save your time.
Steps to Import Payroll Amount to the Payroll Batch
- Go to Payroll->Payroll batch->Add placement
- Go to More --> choose Print Payroll Import Template
**** Make sure all placements were added to this payroll batch, so you can just input amounts for them.****
- Open the file, unhide all hidden pay types
- If pay type amounts were zero, columns will be hidden, so need to unhide them
**** Please Delete the spreadsheet "Number of Unit" if no need****
- If pay type amounts were zero, columns will be hidden, so need to unhide them
- Delete columns after Gross Amounts if you want Backstage to calculate MPF amounts based on pay amounts you have input. Otherwise, you can input the MPF amounts manually.
Input the amounts of the pay types
- Please input the number of days of the leave in the sheet "Number of Unit" if you use ADW in your payroll calculation
Import this payroll details template to payroll batch.
Import --> Select this file to import --> Pay Amount
After imported, double-check the pay amounts/deductions and MPF amounts for placements
''Post'' these payroll batches once all amounts were confirmed. When a payroll batch was ''Post'', all amounts cannot be modified and payslip will be visible to employees in ESS, so make sure amounts were correct before ''Post''.
!!!!DO NOT Recalculate the payroll batch after importing. As once you recalculate the batch, ALL the imported records will be cleaned!!!!
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