What is Leave Adjustment?
Leave Adjustment is a record representing a direct modification to leave balance.
- if for any reason you would like to grant extra leave or deduct leave days to staff, you can create a leave adjustment record.
- when configuring the initial leave balance, there is usually a large leave balance accumulated. A leave adjustment is then used to adjust the leave balance to the correct value.
- leave balance was not correct due to manmade mistakes.
**The approved "Request Entitlement" leave application would be shown in Leave Adjustment
What can be defined in Leave Adjustment?
Placement: the employee you want to adjust for
Leave Type: the leave types you want to adjust
Effective Date: when will this adjustment becomes effective.
Days Adjusted: the number of days (or hours) to be adjusted. This can be either positive or negative representing the changes you want to make.
Pay Date: in some cases, a leave adjustment comes with the corresponding pay record. If you want to link them up, the Pay Date here will be used for retrieval of leave adjustment in payroll.
Remarks: add your own comments.
**If you want to add forfeiture setting to the days added, you can look at the following page
=>How to add Forfeiture setting to Leave Adjustment?
**If you want to adjust the B/F balance, you can look at the following page
=>How to Adjust B/F leave balance for employee?
What's Next?
- Check your leave balance and see if you understand the use of Leave Adjustment
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