What is Leave Entitlement?
Leave Entitlement is the policy of a particular leave type, defining how its balance is accumulated as well as different checking when a leave application is submitted.
What can be defined in Leave Entitlement?
Leave Type: which leave type this entitlement applies to.
Leave Entitlement Code: a short code to represent a Leave Entitlement.
Leave Entitlement Name: full name of the leave entitlement
Description: a public remarks to the staffs
Common Leave Year: define start date of the leave period and how leave balance is entitled
- Anniversary Year: leave period begins according to the join date of the staff
- Calendar Year: leave period begins according to the specified start date
- Hybrid Year: leave period begins according to the specified start date as in calendar year, but days entitled will be the pro-rated value by anniversary year.
More details of ''What is common leave year? How does it affect leave balance?''
Is Leave Entitlement Granted in Advance: define whether the leave days are entitled at the beginning of the leave period, or entitle after completion of the leave period.
Round up to integer in first year: define whether leave days entitled in the first period will be rounded up to an integer.
Round up formula: optional round-up formula if "Round Up to Integer" is chosen.
No entitlement in first 3 months: define whether the actual balance of leave is not granted in the first 3 months of each leave period.
- If enabled, no entitled days will be granted in the first 3 months of the common leave year, so the current leave balance may appear as zero(if there is no B/F balance). But after 3 months, the accumulated leave entitlement days will be added back to the leave balance.
This setting is referring to Hong Kong labour law. For example, if employees resign in the first 3 months, no annual leave balance will be granted therefore no annual leave pay of current year leave balance is paid.
Adjust for Placement end date: sometimes a placement is contract-based and you would like to have days entitled adjusted for an already-known end date. Check this option if you want to do so.
- For example, assuming days entitled for year 1 is 12 days. When this option is not turned on, you will see 12 days entitled. The ending balance by early termination can be told from the actual balance.
- When this option is turned on and end date for the staff is 10 months after his start date, you will see days entitled of 10 instead (pro-rated according to rounding setting).
Must maintain non-negative balance: define which balance to check when staff submit leave application.
- Nope: no checking
- Yes, against normal balance: check against normal balance (i.e. balance as of end of leave period)
- Yes, against actual balance: check against actual balance (i.e. balance as of date of leave)
No application within probation: define whether to not allow staff submit application within probation period as defined in placement profile.
Limit application in Current period: define whether only leave application in current leave period is allowed. e.g. when chosen, staff cannot submit leave applications of leave in next year.
Auto Forfeit in: for use by leave type of which "Request Entitlement" is allowed. When the application is approved, a leave adjustment representing expiry will also be created.
Auto Forfeit Period Unit: "Day" or "Month" of the "auto forfeit" period
Remarks: add your own comments.
Search Tags: additional remarks for searching.
What can be defined in Leave Period?
Period Number: a sequence number for calculation. Must be continuous and start at "1".
Period Length, and Period Unit: define the length of this leave period, in year or month.
Days Entitled: how many days of leave to entitle
Use Number of Holiday: this is used for staffs with irregular working schedule and you want to maintain a leave balance according to number of holidays. When this option is turned on:
- "Days Entitled" will be ignored and instead, number of holidays (as defined from Placement Profile -> Roster -> Holiday Group) within the leave period will be used as days entitled.
- Holiday on work-day is ignored for this staff. e.g. when staff submit leave application, holiday is ignored and still count as a day of leave.
Always Entitle in Full: when days entitled in an incomplete leave period, days entitled will be pro-rated. Check this option to make days entitle always in full.
Max Days to Brought Forward: define the number of days that are allowed to carry forward to the next leave period.
Auto Forfeit in: define the expiry period of the AL B/F
Auto Forfeit Period Unit: "Day" or "Month" of the "auto-forfeit" period
e.g Max Days to Brought Forward=0 day, Auto Forfeit in=3 months, all of the AL remain would be auto-forfeited after 3 months
Reset Negative Balance: define whether negative balance is reset upon completion of each period
What's Next?
- Review your company policy and define appropriate Leave Entitlements.
- Assign Leave Entitlement in Placement profile
- Check Leave Balance to make sure the setting are correct
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