What is Expense Type?
Expense Type differentiates the nature of the expense claimed by staff. Expense type varies in how expense claims are calculated and paid.
What can be defined in Expense Type?
Expense Type code: shortcode of the expense type
Expense type name: full name if the expense type
Expense type nature: 2 kinds of natures, General = normal expense claim, employees just need to input claim amount, Transportation = travelling expense that claims involved distance & fuel calculation for employees
Account Number: For your company account reference, which may need to ask your accountants
Is Local Expense: Enable then Expense will be shown in local expense claim forms
Is Travel Expense: Enable then Expense will be shown in travel expense claim forms
Is Daily Allowance: define whether it is the Daily allowance for Travel Expense
Is Visible in ESS: define whether this expense type is visible in ESS for staff to apply
Is Balance Maintained: define whether this expense type is a benefit entitlement for staff. If yes, there would be balance to maintained, i.e entitled specific amount and has limited to apply each year
Is Attachment Required?: define whether the attachment is required when submitting expense claim application of this expense type in ESS.
Budgets: If total claim amounts exceed, some employees can't apply for this pay anymore
Remarks: add your own comments.
What's Next?
- Check if you can see the Expense Type in ESS
- Create the Benefit Entitlement if needed
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