When the staff is resigned or terminated, you need to calculate the final payment to staff. Sometimes, you may find the amount is "wrong" due to the below pay type calculation is "wrong"
- Wrong Basic Salary
- Wrong AL final payment
- Wrong Long Service Payment
- Wrong Double Pay amount
1. Wrong Basic Salary
You may find the Basic Salary amount is not calculated in pro-rated basis from the first date of the month to the last date of the staff working but pay the full monthly salary.
Please consider and check if
- You entered wrongly in the Resignation Date field. The Termination Date should be entered in the End Date field
- You create the payroll batch before entering the termination date
- You input the staff end date as the pay period end date. When you create the payroll batch, the start date and end date should always be the first date and last date of the month, e.g staff resign on 14 Jul, the start and end date should be 1 Jul to 31 Jul, no matter the batch is for normal staff or terminated staff.
2. Wrong AL final payment
You may find the AL balance or the rounding is not correct.
Please be noted that the system is taking the leave balance from the Placement profile directly.
SO, Please consider and check if
- The leave entitlement and leave records of the staff are correct
- Go to the staff Placement profile->Leave->AL, you can adjust the "As of Date" to check the staff previous leave balance and records.
- The payroll formula is wrong
- You can check the calculation of the leave balance by pointing to the "gear"
- [TLD(AL)]= round up to the nearest integer according to the Labour Ordinance.
- [TLD(AL,NO_ROUND)] = no rounding of the leave balance remain
- [TLD(AL,ROUNDING=0.5)]= round up to the nearest 0.
3. Wrong Severance Payment and Long Service Payment
You may find the Severance Payment and Long Service Payment is wrong or should be zero, maybe the pay unit rate or the pay number of unit
- Please go to Payroll->Job Order Template and check if you have set the Long Service Payment formula: [LSP]
- If no, please setup the formula and recalculate the staff payroll
- If yes, please be noted the system will return SP/LSP when the following condition is met:
- Reckonable Years of Service >= 2
- Is Terminated within current pay period and you have enabled "Is Qualified For Long Service Payment?" in the Master Data->Termination Reason
- To check the system calculation details, you can generate the report by going to Analytic->Placement->Severance Payment/Long Service Payment (SP/LSP) Calculation
- Please update the amount to 0 or delete the formula manually if needed.
Please find us if the pay unit rate calculation is wrong.
4. Wrong Double Pay amount
Normally the double pay amount is customized. So, Please check if you have set the double pay formula.
- If no, please give us the following details if you want us setup the double formula.
- When would be the double pay amount paid every year, e.g every Dec
- If there is a salary increment in the middle of the year, e.g in 01 Apr, what's the double amount? 1 month of the latest salary? Or calculate in ratio?
- How to calculate the terminated and resigned staff Double Pay amount? Would the resigned and terminated staff entitled Double Pay?
- How to calculate the new join staff Double Pay amount? Would the new join staff entitled Double Pay if they not yet finished probation on that month or the probation end date is on 31 Dec?
- If yes, please find us and tell us the correct calculation.
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