Correct B/F leave balance by Leave Adjustment (Manually)
Note 1* Make sure leave entitlement was assigned to the employee before adjustment
Note 2* You can either assign leave entitlement in employee's placement manually or import their leave entitlement by placement excel file
As incomplete leave records were imported in Backstage, overmuch balances (or we can call wrong balances) will occur, we need to correct these leave balances by leave adjustment.
Case Example: May joined the company in 2010 and there are 10 days entitled to her each year.
If there were no leave records were imported in Backstage, her leave balance will be accumulated to 80 days for 2018 B/F leave balance, while her actual 2018 B/F leave balance should be 5 days. Assume calendar year for May's leave entitlement start from 1 January and end at 31 December, you need to adjust her leave balance with the effective date on 31 December 2017, so adjusted days will be 2018 B/F leave balance.
To correct her leave balance from 80 days to 5 days, you need to use ''Leave Adjustment'' to adjust this leave balance directly.
- Go to Attendance --> Leave Adjustment
- Add New
- Select Placement and Leave Type that you want to adjust
- Let calendar year end date be the Effective Date (May's case: 31 December 2017)
- Input amount you want to adjust (May's case: -75.00)
- After saved, a leave adjustment entry will be created
- Click on placement and check whether leave balance is correct
There are two reasons that cause an incorrect leave balance after adjusted
- 1) It could be caused by wrong days adjusted
- 2) There is a limited day for ''Max days to B/F'' in leave entitlement, so adjusted B/F leave balance is limited to a certain amount
- For reason 2), change effective date to the calendar year start date but not end date, so Backstage will not treat this amount as B/F days and limit this amount
Next > Step 10: Adjusting Employee Leave Balance by Excel
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