Things you need to prepare:
- Company structure and how departments distribute in the company
- Company bank account number and autopay file reference code for salary transfer
- MPF trustee information such as MPF plan number for employee
1) Create Organizations
Here are few notes to describe what is included in an organization
Note 1* There are two types of organizations, Parent organization(Headquarter) and organization(Branch)
Note 2* Organization code cannot be modified after created, while organization name can be modified anytime
Note 3* Organization contains basic information like address, MPF plan, and Tax file number etc......
Note 4* Payslip format and standard could be set up in each organization
Note 5* Any functions related to ESS(employee self-service) could be set up in each organization
Now set up the company structure and information by creating organizations.
- Go to Master Data --> Organization
- Add New
- Fill in organization information
- Essential fields: Organization code, Organization name, Tel number
- Essential fields: MPF Participation Number, Tax File Number, Tax Name (taxation forms signer), Tax Designation (the title of signer)
- Essential fields: Default Currency (could be defined in Master Data --> Currency)
2) Create Bank Account
Note 1* This is the company bank account used to generate bank autopay file
Note 2* This is the company bank account for paying salary to employees
- Go to Master Data --> Bank Account
- Add New
- Fill in bank account information
- Bank Account Name: Full name of the bank
- Bank Account Name: Full account number of the bank
- Autopay Template Name: Autopay file for online bank payment
- Reference Number: An agreed code with the bank for online payment
3) Create MPF trustee
Note 1* This is MPF trustee for employee's MPF scheme
- Go to Master Data --> MPF Trustee
- Add New
- Fill in all MPF Trustee information
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